English Grammar: Clauses |#Noun clause | #Adjective clause |#Adverb clause.



Clause (उपवाक्य) शब्दों के उस समूह को कहते हैं, जो एक बड़े वाक्य का भाग हो तथा जिसका अपना एक कर्ता (subject) तथा एक finite verb हो। जैसे –


I know that Ashok is your friend.            

I know that you help Manoj.

He said that the earth is round.              

He taught that the sun rises in the east.


इन वाक्यों में I know, He said तथा He taught मुख्य वाक्य (Main clauses) हैं तथा Ashok is your friend; You love Manoj; The earth is round, and The sun rises in the east उपवाक्य (Subordinate clauses) हैं।


वाक्य तीन प्रकार के होते हैं


Simple sentences(साधारण वाक्य) – इसमें one subject + one verb (finite) + one phrase या clause होता है।

Complex sentence(जटिल वाक्य) – इसमें एक मुख्य वाक्य (Main or Principal clause) तथा एक उपवाक्य – आश्रित उपवाक्य (Subordinate clause) होता है।

Compound sentences(संयुक्त वाक्य) – इसमें एक Principal clause तथा एक Co – ordinate clause (समकक्षी) होता है।



Kinds Of Clause

मुख्य रूप से Clause तीन प्रकार के होते है –

Principal clause,       Co – ordinate clause,        Subordinate clause.



Functions Of Clauses (Clauses के कार्य)


(i) Principal clause या Main clauseकिसी वाक्य का स्वतन्त्र पूर्ण अर्थ देने वाला भाग Principal या Main clause कहलाता है। इस clause से पहले कोई conjunction प्रयोग नहीं होता है। जैसे –

He is honest.                         

You can take this book.                         

I made my career there.


(ii) Co – ordinate clause(समकक्षी) यह Principal clause के समान होता है तथा उस पर आश्रित नहीं होता है। यह स्वतन्त्र रूप से अपना अर्थ प्रकट करने में सक्षम होता है। यह Principal clause से किसी conjunction द्वारा बाद में जुड़ा होता है तथा ये Compound sentencesबनाता है। जैसे –

She came and went out.

Ram is poor but he is honest.

He is neither intelligent nor diligent.

He worked very hard and he got good marks.

Co – ordinate clause चार प्रकार के होते हैं–


(1) The Co-ordinate Clause of Similar Idea or Cumulative (एक समान विचार) – ये clause, Principal clause से निम्नलिखित connectives के द्वारा जोड़े जाते हैं। जैसे – and, as well as, not only ………………… but also, both….and, no less than. ये connectives समान विचारों को जोड़ते हैं तथा एक Compound sentence बनाते हैं। जैसे –


He is wise and kind.

वह योग्य एवं दयालु है।

He is not only wise but also kind.

वह केवल योग्य ही नहीं बल्कि दयालु भी है।

He is rich as well as kind.

वह जितना अमीर है उतना ही दयालु है।

Neelam is both intelligent and beautiful.

नीलम योग्य तथा सुन्दर दोनों है।


(2) Co-ordinate Clause of Opposite or Adversative Idea (विपरीत विचार) – ये clause निम्नलिखित Connectives से Principal clause से जोड़े जाते हैं एवं विपरीत अर्थ देते हैं। But, still, yet, nevertheless, however, while, whereas, only, (फिर भी, किन्तु)

He is poor. He is honest.

He is poor but he is honest.


He is poor. He is honest.

He is poor still he is honest.


He was tired. He kept on reading.

He was tired nevertheless he kept on reading.


He came to me. He said nothing.

He came to me however he said nothing.

(3) Co-ordinate Clause of Alternative Idea (चयनात्मक) ये निम्नलिखित connectives से जोड़े जाते हैं or या, otherwise अन्यथा, else वरना, either …………………. or या यह या और, neither …………………. nor न यह न वह तथा विकल्प या चयनात्मक भाव प्रकट करते हैं। जैसे –

Work hard, you will fail.

Work hard or you will fail.


Sit down, go away.

Either sit down or go away.


You do not read, you do not write.

You neither read nor write.


Work hard. You will fail.

Work hard otherwise, you will fail.


(4) The Co-ordinate Clause of Illative or Inference (परिणामात्मक विचार) ये clause परिणाम का बोध कराते हैं तथा Connectives द्वारा Principal clause से जोड़े जाते हैं। Therefore, for, then, so, hence, consequentlyअत: इसलिए!


He was guilty. He was punished.

He was guilty so he was punished.


It was raining. I could not come.

It was raining; therefore, I could not come.


Combine the following sentences into compound sentences:

1. They are coming by bus. They are coming by taxi.            

2. You can write in ink. You can write in pencil.

3. He has a small family. He gets a good salary.                       

4. He wrote the letters. He did not post them.

5. They did not look at him. They did not talk to him.


1. They are coming by bus or taxi.                                    

2. You can write in ink or pencil.

3. He has a small family and he gets a good salary.                 

4. He wrote the letters but he didn’t post them.

5. They did not look at him nor did they talk to him.


(iii) Sub-ordinate clause (आश्रित) – यह अपने अर्थ के लिए Principal – Main clause पर आश्रित होता है। इससे पूर्व Conjunction लगा होता है। ये तीन प्रकार के होते हैं


1.Noun clause                   2. Adjective clause            3.Adverb clause.



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